, 所以我们重点看下这个方法的流程来了解事件是如何从驱动上报中获取的。
size_t EventHub::getEvents(int timeoutMillis, RawEvent* buffer, size_t bufferSize) {
ALOG_ASSERT(bufferSize >= 1);
std::scoped_lock _l(mLock);
struct input_event readBuffer[bufferSize];
RawEvent* event = buffer; //传入的RawEvent数组首地址
size_t capacity = bufferSize;
bool awoken = false;
for (;;) {
nsecs_t now = systemTime(SYSTEM_TIME_MONOTONIC); //获取当前时间戳
// Reopen input devices if needed.
if (mNeedToReopenDevices) {
mNeedToReopenDevices = false;
ALOGI("Reopening all input devices due to a configuration change.");
mNeedToScanDevices = true;
break; // return to the caller before we actually rescan
// Report any devices that had last been added/removed.
for (auto it = mClosingDevices.begin(); it != mClosingDevices.end();) {
std::unique_ptr<Device> device = std::move(*it);
ALOGV("Reporting device closed: id=%d, name=%s\n", device->id, device->path.c_str());
event->when = now;
event->deviceId = (device->id == mBuiltInKeyboardId)
? ReservedInputDeviceId::BUILT_IN_KEYBOARD_ID
: device->id;
event->type = DEVICE_REMOVED;
event += 1;
it = mClosingDevices.erase(it); //从mClosingDevices中移除device
mNeedToSendFinishedDeviceScan = true;
if (--capacity == 0) {
//当EventHub初始化时,mNeedToScanDevices = true, 所以首次进入需要scan输入设备
if (mNeedToScanDevices) {
mNeedToScanDevices = false;
scanDevicesLocked(); //扫描设备"/dev/input"下的设备,例如event1、event2,这个方法很复杂,
mNeedToSendFinishedDeviceScan = true;
//上一步进行了scan device的操作,现在mOpeningDevices是记录着获取到的Device
while (!mOpeningDevices.empty()) {
std::unique_ptr<Device> device = std::move(*mOpeningDevices.rbegin());
ALOGV("Reporting device opened: id=%d, name=%s\n", device->id, device->path.c_str());
//构建一个RawEvent时间,type = DEVICE_ADDED
event->when = now;
event->deviceId = device->id == mBuiltInKeyboardId ? 0 : device->id;
event->type = DEVICE_ADDED;
event += 1; //RawEvent对象偏移 + 1(RawEvent数组中RawEvent数量)
//从已经处理的设备中mOpeningDevices中的device加入mDevices Map中,以device->id标记
auto [dev_it, inserted] = mDevices.insert_or_assign(device->id, std::move(device));
mNeedToSendFinishedDeviceScan = true; //标记扫描完成,可以退出扫描状态(退出也要发退出事件)
if (--capacity == 0) {
if (mNeedToSendFinishedDeviceScan) {
mNeedToSendFinishedDeviceScan = false;
event->when = now;
event += 1; //RawEvent对象偏移 + 1(RawEvent数组中RawEvent数量)
if (--capacity == 0) {
// Grab the next input event.
bool deviceChanged = false; //这个变量标记当前设备是否有变化(拔插、配置改变等)
//mPendingEventCount指epoll中返回的事件(在epoll event数组中)的数量
while (mPendingEventIndex < mPendingEventCount) {
const struct epoll_event& eventItem = mPendingEventItems[mPendingEventIndex++];
if (eventItem.data.fd == mINotifyFd) {
if (eventItem.events & EPOLLIN) {
mPendingINotify = true;
} else {
ALOGW("Received unexpected epoll event 0x%08x for INotify.", eventItem.events);
if (eventItem.data.fd == mWakeReadPipeFd) {
if (eventItem.events & EPOLLIN) {
ALOGV("awoken after wake()");
awoken = true;
char wakeReadBuffer[16];
ssize_t nRead;
do {
nRead = read(mWakeReadPipeFd, wakeReadBuffer, sizeof(wakeReadBuffer));
} while ((nRead == -1 && errno == EINTR) || nRead == sizeof(wakeReadBuffer));
} else {
ALOGW("Received unexpected epoll event 0x%08x for wake read pipe.",
Device* device = getDeviceByFdLocked(eventItem.data.fd);
// This must be an input event
if (eventItem.events & EPOLLIN) {
int32_t readSize =
read(device->fd, readBuffer, sizeof(struct input_event) * capacity);
if (readSize == 0 || (readSize < 0 && errno == ENODEV)) {
// Device was removed before INotify noticed.
//如果读取的size <= 0 且返回异常可能是设备已经被移除了,只是INotify还没通知,
deviceChanged = true; //标记这个设备状态改变
closeDeviceLocked(*device); //移除这个设备
} else if (readSize < 0) {
} else if ((readSize % sizeof(struct input_event)) != 0) {
} else { //正常读到数据了
//(特殊)如果读到的device是内置键盘,name就设置它的device->id = 0
int32_t deviceId = device->id == mBuiltInKeyboardId ? 0 : device->id;
size_t count = size_t(readSize) / sizeof(struct input_event);
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
struct input_event& iev = readBuffer[i];
event->when = processEventTimestamp(iev);
event->readTime = systemTime(SYSTEM_TIME_MONOTONIC);
event->deviceId = deviceId;
event->type = iev.type;
event->code = iev.code;
event->value = iev.value;
event += 1;
capacity -= 1;
if (capacity == 0) {
// The result buffer is full. Reset the pending event index
// so we will try to read the device again on the next iteration.
// 如果RawEvent数组写满了,就把mPendingEventIndex - 1,(因为下次循环开始会加一,提前减一这样处理的就还是当前这个epoll事件)
// 说明我们本次epoll读事件我们没有处理完,下一个循环还要继续处理这个epoll事件
mPendingEventIndex -= 1;
} else if (eventItem.events & EPOLLHUP) { //如果是hang-up事件说明设备拔出,就移除这个设备,通知设备状态变化
ALOGI("Removing device %s due to epoll hang-up event.",
deviceChanged = true;
} else { //收到异常的epoll事件,不处理
ALOGW("Received unexpected epoll event 0x%08x for device %s.", eventItem.events,
// readNotify() will modify the list of devices so this must be done after
// processing all other events to ensure that we read all remaining events
// before closing the devices.
//当处理完一次一次epoll_wait返回列表中所有epoll事件后,检测下是否有底层设备变化(mPendingINotify = true)
if (mPendingINotify && mPendingEventIndex >= mPendingEventCount) {
mPendingINotify = false;
readNotifyLocked(); //通过read去读取INotify fd返回的事件,判断设备状态,是需要重新获取设备还是移除设备
deviceChanged = true; //标记设备状态改变,
// Report added or removed devices immediately.
// 如果有设备状态改变(新增或者移除)需要马上到下一个循环处理
if (deviceChanged) {
// Return now if we have collected any events or if we were explicitly awoken.
//2. 或者RawEvent数组中有数据则跳出getEvents方法,往下执行loopOnce,处理输入事件
if (event != buffer || awoken) {
mPendingEventIndex = 0; //准备进入下一次事件接收前,重置mPendingEventIndex下标
mLock.unlock(); // release lock before poll
int pollResult = epoll_wait(mEpollFd, mPendingEventItems, EPOLL_MAX_EVENTS, timeoutMillis);
mLock.lock(); // reacquire lock after poll
if (pollResult == 0) {
// Timed out.
// 超时退出的情况
mPendingEventCount = 0;
if (pollResult < 0) {
// An error occurred.
mPendingEventCount = 0;
// Sleep after errors to avoid locking up the system.
// Hopefully the error is transient.
if (errno != EINTR) {
ALOGW("poll failed (errno=%d)\n", errno);
} else {
// Some events occurred.
// 获取到epoll事件,将事件数量赋给mPendingEventCount
mPendingEventCount = size_t(pollResult);
// All done, return the number of events we read.
// 处理结束,退出循环将事件返回到inputReader的loopOnce中处理
return event - buffer;
void EventHub::scanDevicesLocked() {
status_t result;
std::error_code errorCode;
if (std::filesystem::exists(DEVICE_INPUT_PATH, errorCode)) {
result = scanDirLocked(DEVICE_INPUT_PATH);
} else {
status_t EventHub::scanDirLocked(const std::string& dirname) {
//遍历 /dev/input/event* 路径,打开这些设备并获取相关设备信息
for (const auto& entry : std::filesystem::directory_iterator(dirname)) {
return 0;
void EventHub::openDeviceLocked(const std::string& devicePath) {
for (const auto& [deviceId, device] : mDevices) {
if (device->path == devicePath) {
return; // device was already registered
char buffer[80];
ALOGV("Opening device: %s", devicePath.c_str());
int fd = open(devicePath.c_str(), O_RDWR | O_CLOEXEC | O_NONBLOCK);
InputDeviceIdentifier identifier; //一个硬件设备的结构体在用户空间中描述, 包括name、vendor、product、descriptor等
// Get device name.
//获取设备 device name
if (ioctl(fd, EVIOCGNAME(sizeof(buffer) - 1), &buffer) < 1) {
ALOGE("Could not get device name for %s: %s", devicePath.c_str(), strerror(errno));
} else {
buffer[sizeof(buffer) - 1] = '\0';
identifier.name = buffer;
// Check to see if the device is on our excluded list
//通过device name检测下这个设备是不是在排除名单,如果是就忽略这个设备
for (size_t i = 0; i < mExcludedDevices.size(); i++) {
const std::string& item = mExcludedDevices[i];
if (identifier.name == item) {
ALOGI("ignoring event id %s driver %s\n", devicePath.c_str(), item.c_str());
// Get device driver version.
int driverVersion;
if (ioctl(fd, EVIOCGVERSION, &driverVersion)) {
// Get device identifier.
struct input_id inputId;
if (ioctl(fd, EVIOCGID, &inputId)) {
identifier.bus = inputId.bustype;
identifier.product = inputId.product;
identifier.vendor = inputId.product;
identifier.version = inputId.version;
// Get device physical location.
if (ioctl(fd, EVIOCGPHYS(sizeof(buffer) - 1), &buffer) < 1) {
// fprintf(stderr, "could not get location for %s, %s\n", devicePath, strerror(errno));
} else {
buffer[sizeof(buffer) - 1] = '\0';
identifier.location = buffer;
// Get device unique id.
//获取设备的unique id(一般的设备这个字段都是没有的,为空)
if (ioctl(fd, EVIOCGUNIQ(sizeof(buffer) - 1), &buffer) < 1) {
// fprintf(stderr, "could not get idstring for %s, %s\n", devicePath, strerror(errno));
} else {
buffer[sizeof(buffer) - 1] = '\0';
identifier.uniqueId = buffer;
// Fill in the descriptor.
// 获取设备的descriptor,这个字段很重要,它是用于标识这个设备的标识符,无论重启、拔插、升级都不会变
// Allocate device. (The device object takes ownership of the fd at this point.)
//同时还有deviceId,这个id并不是驱动传上来的,而是我们每次通过ioctl获取到新设备时计数 + 1
int32_t deviceId = mNextDeviceId++;
std::unique_ptr<Device> device = std::make_unique<Device>(fd, deviceId, devicePath, identifier);
//我们可以通过这个打印或者dumpsys input获取设备的信息
ALOGV("add device %d: %s\n", deviceId, devicePath.c_str());
ALOGV(" bus: %04x\n"
" vendor %04x\n"
" product %04x\n"
" version %04x\n",
identifier.bus, identifier.vendor, identifier.product, identifier.version);
ALOGV(" name: \"%s\"\n", identifier.name.c_str());
ALOGV(" location: \"%s\"\n", identifier.location.c_str());
ALOGV(" unique id: \"%s\"\n", identifier.uniqueId.c_str());
ALOGV(" descriptor: \"%s\"\n", identifier.descriptor.c_str());
ALOGV(" driver: v%d.%d.%d\n", driverVersion >> 16, (driverVersion >> 8) & 0xff,
driverVersion & 0xff);
// Load the configuration file for the device.
// 针对带电池,有LED灯的输入设备,需要设备associatedDevice来关联它的额外能力
bool hasBattery = false;
bool hasLights = false;
// Check the sysfs root path
std::optional<std::filesystem::path> sysfsRootPath = getSysfsRootPath(devicePath.c_str());
if (sysfsRootPath.has_value()) {
std::shared_ptr<AssociatedDevice> associatedDevice;
for (const auto& [id, dev] : mDevices) {
if (device->identifier.descriptor == dev->identifier.descriptor &&
!dev->associatedDevice) {
associatedDevice = dev->associatedDevice;
if (!associatedDevice) {
associatedDevice = std::make_shared<AssociatedDevice>(sysfsRootPath.value());
hasBattery = associatedDevice->configureBatteryLocked();
hasLights = associatedDevice->configureLightsLocked();
device->associatedDevice = associatedDevice;
// Figure out the kinds of events the device reports.
device->readDeviceBitMask(EVIOCGBIT(EV_KEY, 0), device->keyBitmask);
device->readDeviceBitMask(EVIOCGBIT(EV_ABS, 0), device->absBitmask);
device->readDeviceBitMask(EVIOCGBIT(EV_REL, 0), device->relBitmask);
device->readDeviceBitMask(EVIOCGBIT(EV_SW, 0), device->swBitmask);
device->readDeviceBitMask(EVIOCGBIT(EV_LED, 0), device->ledBitmask);
device->readDeviceBitMask(EVIOCGBIT(EV_FF, 0), device->ffBitmask);
device->readDeviceBitMask(EVIOCGBIT(EV_MSC, 0), device->mscBitmask);
device->readDeviceBitMask(EVIOCGPROP(0), device->propBitmask);
// See if this is a keyboard. Ignore everything in the button range except for
// joystick and gamepad buttons which are handled like keyboards for the most part.
// 判断是否是键盘、游戏手柄等
bool haveKeyboardKeys =
device->keyBitmask.any(0, BTN_MISC) || device->keyBitmask.any(BTN_WHEEL, KEY_MAX + 1);
bool haveGamepadButtons = device->keyBitmask.any(BTN_MISC, BTN_MOUSE) ||
device->keyBitmask.any(BTN_JOYSTICK, BTN_DIGI);
if (haveKeyboardKeys || haveGamepadButtons) {
device->classes |= InputDeviceClass::KEYBOARD;
// See if this is a cursor device such as a trackball or mouse.
if (device->keyBitmask.test(BTN_MOUSE) && device->relBitmask.test(REL_X) &&
device->relBitmask.test(REL_Y)) {
device->classes |= InputDeviceClass::CURSOR;
// See if this is a rotary encoder type device.
String8 deviceType = String8();
if (device->configuration &&
device->configuration->tryGetProperty(String8("device.type"), deviceType)) {
if (!deviceType.compare(String8("rotaryEncoder"))) {
device->classes |= InputDeviceClass::ROTARY_ENCODER;
// See if this is a touch pad.
// Is this a new modern multi-touch driver?
if (device->absBitmask.test(ABS_MT_POSITION_X) && device->absBitmask.test(ABS_MT_POSITION_Y)) {
// Some joysticks such as the PS3 controller report axes that conflict
// with the ABS_MT range. Try to confirm that the device really is
// a touch screen.
if (device->keyBitmask.test(BTN_TOUCH) || !haveGamepadButtons) {
device->classes |= (InputDeviceClass::TOUCH | InputDeviceClass::TOUCH_MT);
// Is this an old style single-touch driver?
} else if (device->keyBitmask.test(BTN_TOUCH) && device->absBitmask.test(ABS_X) &&
device->absBitmask.test(ABS_Y)) {
device->classes |= InputDeviceClass::TOUCH;
// Is this a BT stylus?
} else if ((device->absBitmask.test(ABS_PRESSURE) || device->keyBitmask.test(BTN_TOUCH)) &&
!device->absBitmask.test(ABS_X) && !device->absBitmask.test(ABS_Y)) {
device->classes |= InputDeviceClass::EXTERNAL_STYLUS;
// Keyboard will try to claim some of the buttons but we really want to reserve those so we
// can fuse it with the touch screen data, so just take them back. Note this means an
// external stylus cannot also be a keyboard device.
device->classes &= ~InputDeviceClass::KEYBOARD;
// See if this device is a joystick.
// Assumes that joysticks always have gamepad buttons in order to distinguish them
// from other devices such as accelerometers that also have absolute axes.
if (haveGamepadButtons) {
auto assumedClasses = device->classes | InputDeviceClass::JOYSTICK;
for (int i = 0; i <= ABS_MAX; i++) {
if (device->absBitmask.test(i) &&
(getAbsAxisUsage(i, assumedClasses).test(InputDeviceClass::JOYSTICK))) {
device->classes = assumedClasses;
// Check whether this device is an accelerometer.
if (device->propBitmask.test(INPUT_PROP_ACCELEROMETER)) {
device->classes |= InputDeviceClass::SENSOR;
// Check whether this device has switches.
for (int i = 0; i <= SW_MAX; i++) {
if (device->swBitmask.test(i)) {
device->classes |= InputDeviceClass::SWITCH;
// Check whether this device supports the vibrator.
if (device->ffBitmask.test(FF_RUMBLE)) {
device->classes |= InputDeviceClass::VIBRATOR;
// Configure virtual keys.
if ((device->classes.test(InputDeviceClass::TOUCH))) {
// Load the virtual keys for the touch screen, if any.
// We do this now so that we can make sure to load the keymap if necessary.
bool success = device->loadVirtualKeyMapLocked();
if (success) {
device->classes |= InputDeviceClass::KEYBOARD;
// Load the key map.
// We need to do this for joysticks too because the key layout may specify axes, and for
// sensor as well because the key layout may specify the axes to sensor data mapping.
status_t keyMapStatus = NAME_NOT_FOUND;
if (device->classes.any(InputDeviceClass::KEYBOARD | InputDeviceClass::JOYSTICK |
InputDeviceClass::SENSOR)) {
// Load the keymap for the device.
keyMapStatus = device->loadKeyMapLocked(); //加载过程和idc文件类似
// Configure the keyboard, gamepad or virtual keyboard.
if (device->classes.test(InputDeviceClass::KEYBOARD)) {
// Register the keyboard as a built-in keyboard if it is eligible.
if (!keyMapStatus && mBuiltInKeyboardId == NO_BUILT_IN_KEYBOARD &&
isEligibleBuiltInKeyboard(device->identifier, device->configuration.get(),
&device->keyMap)) {
mBuiltInKeyboardId = device->id;
// 'Q' key support = cheap test of whether this is an alpha-capable kbd
if (device->hasKeycodeLocked(AKEYCODE_Q)) {
device->classes |= InputDeviceClass::ALPHAKEY;
// See if this device has a DPAD.
if (device->hasKeycodeLocked(AKEYCODE_DPAD_UP) &&
device->hasKeycodeLocked(AKEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN) &&
device->hasKeycodeLocked(AKEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT) &&
device->hasKeycodeLocked(AKEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT) &&
device->hasKeycodeLocked(AKEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER)) {
device->classes |= InputDeviceClass::DPAD;
// See if this device has a gamepad.
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(GAMEPAD_KEYCODES) / sizeof(GAMEPAD_KEYCODES[0]); i++) {
if (device->hasKeycodeLocked(GAMEPAD_KEYCODES[i])) {
device->classes |= InputDeviceClass::GAMEPAD;
// If the device isn't recognized as something we handle, don't monitor it.
if (device->classes == ftl::Flags<InputDeviceClass>(0)) {
ALOGV("Dropping device: id=%d, path='%s', name='%s'", deviceId, devicePath.c_str(),
// Classify InputDeviceClass::BATTERY.
if (hasBattery) {
device->classes |= InputDeviceClass::BATTERY;
// Classify InputDeviceClass::LIGHT.
if (hasLights) {
device->classes |= InputDeviceClass::LIGHT;
// Determine whether the device has a mic.
if (device->deviceHasMicLocked()) {
device->classes |= InputDeviceClass::MIC;
// Determine whether the device is external or internal.
if (device->isExternalDeviceLocked()) {
device->classes |= InputDeviceClass::EXTERNAL;
if (device->classes.any(InputDeviceClass::JOYSTICK | InputDeviceClass::DPAD) &&
device->classes.test(InputDeviceClass::GAMEPAD)) {
device->controllerNumber = getNextControllerNumberLocked(device->identifier.name);
if (registerDeviceForEpollLocked(*device) != OK) {
ALOGI("New device: id=%d, fd=%d, path='%s', name='%s', classes=%s, "
"configuration='%s', keyLayout='%s', keyCharacterMap='%s', builtinKeyboard=%s, ",
deviceId, fd, devicePath.c_str(), device->identifier.name.c_str(),
device->classes.string().c_str(), device->configurationFile.c_str(),
device->keyMap.keyLayoutFile.c_str(), device->keyMap.keyCharacterMapFile.c_str(),
toString(mBuiltInKeyboardId == deviceId));
- 打开设备节点,从设备驱动中获取设备的各种描述信息并构造出Device对象
- 根据设备的信息加载这个设备的
文件 - 向驱动查询这个设备支持的事件类型
- 判断设备的类型,设置相关的属性到
中 - 如果是键盘灯设备还需要加载设备对应的
文件, - 将这个
的监听中 - 通过
- 最后再把这个设备加到